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Streets of London

Dorset Street photographed in 1899 and used in Jack London's book "The People of the Abyss". The camera is at the western end of the road, pointing east: Miller's Court was on the left hand side at the far end.
Dorset Street photographed in 1899 and used in Jack London's book "The People of the Abyss". The camera is at the western end of the road, pointing east: Miller's Court was on the left hand side at the far end.
“Nowhere in the streets of London may one escape the sight of abject poverty, while five minutes’ walk from almost any point will bring one to a slum; but the region my hansom was now penetrating was one unending slum. The streets were filled with a new and different race of people, short of stature, and of wretched or beer-sodden appearance. We rolled along through miles of bricks and squalor, and from each cross street and alley flashed long vistas of bricks and misery. Here and there lurched a drunken man or woman, and the air was obscene with sounds of jangling and squabbling. At a market, tottery old men and women were searching in the garbage thrown in the mud for rotten potatoes, beans, and vegetables, while little children clustered like flies around a festering mass of fruit, thrusting their arms to the shoulders into the liquid corruption, and drawing forth morsels but partially decayed, which they devoured on the spot.”

“The People of the Abyss” Jack London, 1903


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