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#3dPrinting: Pegboard Toolholder for different Sets of Screwdrivers

I use Küpper workshop furniture in my workshop. The equipment from them is, let's say "in the better DIY quality" category. (For a cabinet in industrial quality you often have to pay as much money as for half a workshop equipment from Küpper). Also from Küpper are the tool walls, which have their own "standard" regarding the hole spacing for the individual tool holders.

However: For my Felo ergonic screwdrivers as well as for Wiha screwdrivers with wooden handle or also the (planned) Wiha VDE screwdrivers there are only "universally" suitable, i.e. unsuitable holders. Therefore, I have constructed a few quick'n'dirty suitable holders on the fly.

Note: the links in this post refer to affilate links. If you buy one of the linked products, you support me. The product itself will not cost you more than usual. Thank you.

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