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Revolution mit dem Tanzbein: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole: "HawaiÊ"i '78"

Neben Metal, Jazz und Klassik höre ich auch gerne Schnulzen. Zum Beispiel von Ukulelengott Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, der heute ja auch auf Google anlässlich seines 61. Geburtstages geehrt wird. Natürlich mit dem bekanntesten Titel, seinem Cover von Over the Rainbow. Die Bemühungen des am 26. Juni 1997 verstorbenen Künstlers um eine Unabhängigkeit Hawaiis und die Rechte der hawaiischen Ureinwohner finden sich auch in den Texten mancher seiner Lieder, beispielsweise im Titel Hawai-™i -˜78 in dem er zur Achtung der hawaiischen Kultur aufruft und die Zerstörung der Natur kritisiert.

Ua mau, ke ea o ka aina, i ka pono, o Hawai'i
Ua mau, ke ea o ka aina, i ka pono, o Hawai'i
(The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness)

If just for a day our king and queen
Would visit all these islands and saw everything
How would they feel about the changes of our land

Could you just imagine if they were around
And saw highways on their sacred grounds
How would they feel about this modern city life

Tears would come from each others eyes
As they would stop to realize
That our people are in great great danger now
How, would they feel, could their smiles be content, then cry

Cry for the gods, cry for the people
Cry for the land that was taken away
And then yet you'll find, Hawai'i

Could you just imagine they came back
And saw traffic lights and railroad tracks
How would they feel about this modern city life

Tears would come from each others eyes
As they would stop to realize
That our land is in great great danger now

All the fighting that the king had done
To conquer all these islands now these condominiums
How would he feel if he saw Hawai'i nei
How, would he feel, would his smile be content, then cry

Ua mau, ke ea o ka aina, i ka pono, o Hawai'i
Ua mau, ke ea o ka aina, i ka pono, o Hawai'i
