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OnePlusOne: Inoffizielles CyanogenMod 12.1 mit CAF 3.4.0 kernel

Screenshot der aktuellen Version
Heute mal wieder ein Softwaretipp in Zusammenhang mit dem OnePlusOne: Vor allem wegen des nervigen Kamerabugs sind viele User dieses Handys auf der Suche nach einer Lösung. @Sultanxda hat nun vor einigen Wochen auf der Basis von CM 12.1 und einem CAF Kernel einen inoffiziellen CyanogenMod 12.1 Build entwickelt. Diese bietet neben der Behebung des Kamera Bugs durch die Verwendung der OxygenOS Camera Bibliotheken, die unter anderem auch die Performance der Kamera deutlich erhöht und der Snapdragon Camera App von Qualcomman auch eine erhöhte Akkulaufzeit. Letztere durch Drosselung der CPU von 2457MHz auf nunmehr 1958MHz, was sich laut Sultanxda jedoch lediglich in Benchmarkprogrammen und rechenintensiven Apps bemerkbar macht. Er liefert jedoch auch einen Patch mit, der diese Drosselung aufhebt. Dieser muss jedoch bei OTA Updates jeweils neu eingespielt werden.

Der Wechsel auf dieses Build läuft recht problemlos: Backup via Recovery, Recovery auf TWRP up- bzw. Downgraden, da sonst das Modem nicht richtig installiert wird und dann mit den üblichen Befehlen oder mit dem Bacon Root Toolkit flashen sowie anschließend die Google Apps aufspielen. Übrigens klappte es auch mit dem an dieser Stelle von mir geposteten Hinweis auf TWRP für verschlüsselte Dateisysteme.

Hier die Ankündigung:

This is an unofficial CyanogenMod 12.1 build I developed after seeing some of the craziness in the official CyanogenMod kernel (such as massive merges from different sources and untested cherry-picks that introduce random reboots), as well as craziness with CyanogenMod's camera libraries. If you just want your phone to work without any fancy frills then you might be interested in using this. The ROM is the same as official CM12.1 on the outside, but there have been many optimizations under the hood. It comes with a fancy unique kernel I worked on that is cleanly based off of the latest CAF sources.

Custom kernels are not compatible with this ROM unless otherwise noted.

ROM features:

  • Based off latest generic CyanogenMod 12.1 stable sources (root access is not included)
  • OTA updates via built-in CMUpdater
  • Vanilla CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 display HAL (improved display performance)
  • Vanilla CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 media HAL (improved video performance)
  • Vanilla CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 audio HAL (improved audio performance)
  • OxygenOS camera libraries (no camera bugs and improved camera performance)
  • Snapdragon Camera app by Qualcomm (comes with many unique features, such as HSR)
  • Custom camera HAL I modified myself from CAF featuring:
    -HFR (high-framerate; a.k.a. slow-motion video) recording at 60 FPS, 90 FPS, and 120 FPS for 720p, and 60 FPS for 1080p
    -HSR (high-speed video with audio) recording at 60 FPS, 90 FPS, and 120 FPS for 720p, and 60 FPS for 1080p (you need to use the Snapdragon Camera app in order to use HSR)
    -1080p video recording with the front-facing camera
    -2.5k 1440p video recording with the front-facing camera and back camera (only with the Snapdragon Camera app that comes with the ROM)
    -4k video recording at UHD and DCI resolutions
    -Manual focus
    -Slow shutter (ranging from 1/5000th of a second to 2 seconds)
    -More picture sizes than plain OxygenOS, such as 9.7MP 16:9
    -JPEG quality is always set to 100% (pictures are very high quality)
  • Disabled Qualcomm performance daemon (CPU boosting is now handled completely by the driver I wrote)
  • 2 CPU cores are not forced online all the time (saves power this way)
  • WiFi configuration from LG G3 (better WiFi performance and stability)
  • Many other misc. optimizations

Kernel features:

  • Based off latest CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 kernel source from Qualcomm
  • Almost 100% pure CAF (very clean, there shouldn't be any crazy stability or performance issues)
  • Removed lots of excessive debugging
  • Latest CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 prima (WiFi) drivers
  • Rewrote half of the Synaptics touchscreen driver (over 2500 lines of code modified; your touchscreen might work better)
  • Newest available Synaptics touchscreen firmware (no battery drain)
  • Dynamic CPU input boost driver I wrote myself (makes the phone feel smooooth)
  • CPU underclocked to 1958MHz by default (you can disable this; see why I did this in the FAQ in the 3rd post)
  • Improved notification LED color (white doesn't have a blue tint)
  • Vibrator is automatically disabled when recording videos (so the buzzing noise doesn't get in the videos)
  • Custom thermal driver I wrote myself (keeps the phone cool)
  • LCD KCAL by Savoca
  • Westwood TCP congestion algorithm (enabled by default)
  • NTFS support
  • No BS patches, features, or compiler "optimizations"
  • Many other misc. optimizations

Source code:
Kernel (cm-12.1-caf branch):
Local manifest (contains the rest of the sources):


  • CyanogenMod and its contributors
  • CAF (aka Qualcomm)
  • OnePlus and Oppo for their clean kernel base
  • myfluxi (awesome friend with lots of amazing contributions)
  • 69gm (loyal guinea pig)
  • If your name should be here and it isn't, then make me use an iPhone 4 running iOS 8

Installation instructions (for first-time installation):
First, you must install/use TWRP recovery v2.8.6.0 (TWRP v2.8.7.0 cannot properly update the modem). After installing TWRP v2.8.6.0, perform a clean install (wipe /data and /system). Next, try flashing the ROM and see if it installs; if it installs without any issues then congratulations! Now just flash a Google apps package, and then reboot.

If you get an error when trying to install (TZ version error), then download and flash the latest official CM12.1 nightly. Then, without rebooting from recovery, flash my ROM. This process is necessary to update various firmwares (including TrustZone), as the updated firmware is needed by my ROM. After flashing my ROM, flash a Google apps package, and then reboot.

Installation instructions (for updating to a newer release):
If you are already running my ROM, then you can update to a newer version of the ROM via the built-in OTA updater or by simply dirty-flashing the new ROM build without wiping anything.


Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Google apps:
SuperSU (if you want root access):
Disable CPU underclock:
