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Empfehlung für ein Backup Script: Backup-Manager.

Zu den Features:

  • Make tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip archives.
  • Automatically burn the archives on CDR/CDRW media.
  • Logging to syslog is possible
  • Perform MD5 checksums when burning data on CDR to be sure that archives aren't corrupted.
  • Backup MySQL databases with mysqldump
  • Can be run in a parallel mode with different configuration files.
  • Keep and purge all the archives for a given number of days.
  • Upload the generated archives to remote hosts, either with ftp or scp.
  • Provide two diffrent ways of naming the tarballs.
  • Is completly integrated to the Debian environment.
  • The Debian package uses debconf to provide a quick and easy setup.

  • Der Programmierer Alexis Sukrieh ist sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit.